Monday, 22 April 2013

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

One year pass by gracefully, Alhamdulillah I successfully completed the two semester. 
Yeah, got 5 more semester left. But it's okay. Time fleeting really fast now. 
The faith and the courage still soaring up high. 
To Abah and Mama, both of you are my pillar of strength to face 
all the upcoming semester ahead. InsyaAllah, I will fulfill the promises 
which I always told you.

Well, here I would like to conclude the two semester which have its 
own the Good, Bad and Ugly. 
Haha, seems similar with this title of movie. 
Those who had watch this it will know. Here, I let this picture spoke:

 Hey don't ever you teasing my Clint Eastwood
Okay, it's just a symbolic which I would like to relate what happened for the past my two
I know past is the past. But apart from this it can remind us what to do and what should
we do not repeat the same mistake again. 

Too complicated and confidential to confront all these. 
For the past my two semester is like I'm playing with water colors to paint 
my own painting. 
Sometimes the color that I used is not appropriate with my desire 
but I try my best to experiment with it so that it turn up became a very 
beautiful painting. 
But juggling with those responsibilities as a student really hard one, tough and 
challenging one. 

Here, I'm standing with my own feet to overcome all the odds and let's facing this semester bravely.
InsyaALLAH, hopefully everything that I plan this semester run smoothly. AMINN.

Yes, the road that I taken now,
Yeah, the sky is blue.