Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Are you beautiful?

Are you beautiful?
The answer:

LOREAL PARIS-Because you’re worth it
Elianto-everyday beautiful
AVON-the company for women
Enchanteur-Unfolds your natural magic
SimplySiti-Simply Beautiful

Those are several labels which international cosmetic companies use to market their product.  I believe every lady out there would like to try out their product which can solve their problems.  But, but those cosmetics will cost hundred dollar and above.  A few of it only cost lower than 100.  Sound very “posh” huh? But its okay, I don’t want to talk about the cost.

Do you feel beautiful?
For me the term of beautiful is really subjective.
Everyone should admit it at least 50% out of 100%. *Come on, kick some confident level inside you.
Each of us (ladies) has their own aura and positive level. We just need to dig it out and gracefully flaunt it.

So, these little helpers that women need to have are:

1) Have your personal hygiene (well, everyone should do it).
2) Practice the healthy lifestyle (The food intake especially)
3) Enough rest (Quality sleep)
4) Socializing (Make friends, stay away from those who will persuade negative impact on you).
5) Take a break immediately when you are feeling awful and anxious.
6) Think before you talk
7) When the going gets tough, you work it out and not walk out.
8) Taking it slow and not crushing head on
9) Stop hiding, Start Living & follow your dreams.

10)Treat yourself either in food, the bling-bling, vacation, shopping or things that worth to spend.

      For Muslim, always believe that “Allah always with you”. Doa will make you feel better.  


 and lastly,

 This entry was specially dedicated to one of my clique who remind me
the word "Beautiful" to me.
* which giving the idea for this entry.Thank you Suriyati :)
p/s: I really loved the song you tagged me at Facebook. 

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Charity.Indulged.Happy (PART 2)

P/S: We still talking about Day 2 at Kampung Kuala Boh, Cameron Highlands, Pahang.......

Those kids really awesome to be hang out.  They loved sweets/candy or everything that are SWEET. Each time we distributed those candy, everyone will surround us like we are giving away "duit raya" or "presents".  But all of us set in our mind those are our "sedekah" for them. Anis, our leader of this program already remind us to bring along packets of sweets for those children. We take note of that.

They love sweets. Just name all sort of brands, they will take it.

While for lunch on that day, Tok Batin already asked favor few of villagers to help us to prepare the “special menu”.  So, the preparation was made early in the morning. A few of us follow them into the woods and some of us went to market bought fresh supplies such as kilos of chicken, vegetables and rice.  In the mean time, we also followed the villagers to cut down several of bamboos.  This was truly experience for us because we will eat rice cooking inside the bamboos.  It similar with “lemang”.

Meet our Mr. Hulk, Roslan who willing to carry those bamboos.
Thank you

The bamboo need to be cut into this size

Yeah, lots of fire woods.

After the rice was rinsed and wash, they will wrapped it and put inside those bamboos.

It's not lemang, it's nasi pangsur in the making!

Yeah, our nasi pangsur have been cooked!

The expert

Alhamdulillah, nasi pangsur served!

Well, our lunch will be not completed if there will no main dish. Come on, if there are nasi pangsur, it must be a "ayam pangsur".  It will look rather like a steamed chicken.  Oh my, you all should imagine cooking chicken in those bamboos, alternative way beside using modern cooking utensil. I believed that cooking by steaming it really healthy way instead of using oil by frying it.  The technique of cook was still same like nasi pangsur.  They also made "ikan pangsur" which known as steamed fish. Walla,

First step, insert all those marinate chicken into those bamboos.

Presenting our main dishes, from left: Steamed chicken and steamed fish


Everyone really gave 100% cooperation on preparing the lunch on that day.  I felt like attending "kenduri" or some people said as "rewang". Our lecturer also lend her hand on preparing side dish.  She willing to cook for us those vegetables.  Even though it was a simple dish, we indulged it happily.  What surprising was each of us show their talented skills at kitchen included boys. Wow. 

Chop..chop..chop those veggies girls

A boy with lesung batu

Secret behind the delicious dish
Have a taste

How many hands that you can count there?

Exquisite meal, PERFECT!
Ukhwah Fi Sabilillah among us. AMIN

All we can said that, Syukur Alhamdulillah for all the "rezki" we have been blessed on that day.  Everybody was happy indulged the scrumptious lunch together.  Through out this, we getting connected among with the villagers.  It feels like we create a bonding with them as we got to know their language, local foods and traditional dance.

The diary. Credit to Noli who jot down all this information

Before waiting for Zohor, we managed to spend our time to hang out with those children.  We asked them about their schooling, activities past time, favorite channels, and song. Far beyond our expectations, they just a normal kids who loves to play, shouting, sing and have fun with others.

They do have playground

Memories with those kids

Our activity will be continue after Maghrib, means that we have plenty of time to refresh ourselves.  But after Asar, some of us need to prepare the meal for that night.  We planned to cook "Mihun Singapore" and have banana cake as a dessert. Just a simple menu but still considered as mouth watering. All the preparation was made by ourselves.  

That night was our closing ceremony and last moment to spent with those villagers. We ended this ceremony by giving away a gift to Tok Batin and distribute our funds to them.  Mostly, those funds was raised early before we came here.  We were giving away clothes and books for them.

Rewang's time

Those happily kids ate our mihun Singapore

Cheerful & mouthful

Us, D1IM2253A

A piece of memory from us, UiTM Machang to Tok Batin

Usrati (My Family)

The superb team. Thank you guys!

At last the journey for this program was ended gracefully that night.  As we flash backed all those moments on how we begins, made us think that every impossible may turn into possibilities. We believe on each of us.  A good team work playing really important besides of management skills. I believe each us have those things. Thank you to my lecturer, Mr Abu and the great team, D1IM2253A for let me to feel these experiences.  It was AWESOME to do charity!!!