Friday, 19 October 2012

Syukur Alhamdulillah

Dear my blog,

I'm extremely sorry because I'm neglecting you recently.
Due of heavy burdens this semester, I hardly find the right time to update you.
Please forgive me :(

P/s: I missed my old times.


I used to LOVE swinging at playground.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Okay,okay, let's proceed to our story.
First and foremost, it's already October. Times as usual flies quickly and left me alone with my own procrastination.
(Great Ili! T_T)

Yes, times flies madly fast.

Err..reminder for me ;p

I admitted that I'm being quite playing around with my time management even though I hardly tried my best to manage it. But I confidently 100% that I/m not totally focused.
Ya Allah, this semester will be the tough one, I can feel it.* my instinct told me so.
BUT I always keep remind myself, be positive, always try your best to achieve what you dream for
If your senior can do it, so do you.

Burn the midnight candle and having a cuppa.

InsyaAllah, that's are my target.

Sound true for me. 
Things unexpected may happens if we're not prepared.

We need a clear planning inside our life.
If not, we are not getting anywhere.
We should be "Istiqamah" to do it.
Plan it well, InsyaAllah everything will turn as we expected.
Well, enough with those motivation words.

Recently, I kept busying myself with all those assignment, quizzes, presentation and proposal for my project this semester.
Those routine kept on and on without full stop until the dateline which we need to pass up.
It needs a lot scarifies.
Therefore, everything need a very brilliant and creative IDEAS to do it.
I hope for the best, so I need to perform it well. InsyaALLAH.
So far so good, I had a very supportive classmates, Abah and Mama who always be there for me and my love one, HR who encourage me to overcome all these odds.
Million thanks my dearest for the constant doa :)

Syukur Alhamdulillah.



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